Monday 28 March 2011


I came across the quote by an English poet – Ralph Hodgson - 

“Some things have to be believed to be seen”

Belief – What an amazing word....Every time I hear this word, blood rushes through my veins; swirling, living, dying, lying in wait for the new arrival of a bliss...

What is belief to it just a word to console when things aren’t going right in you live that word EVERY SINGLE DAY...

Beliefs could be different for different individuals – for some which are assurances that your loved one would reach home safe today, some that love of your life would realize your importance, some which say that I will be able to do what I have dreamt of in this lifetime...ONE will happen!!

No matter how deep or surface level the belief, it has hell lot of meaning in a person’s life...And I bow to all those who after understanding the ways of life...sinking in the harsh realities of world still maintain the Innocence of Belief...

Did I say Innocence of Belief??? – Yes, Belief is innocent like an adolescent but strong as a warrior, powerful as a king and dramatic as an actor...

One word – has so many attributes to it...then why is it that we have stopped living the beliefs and only churning deeper and deeper in the thorns of 21st century...

Friday 25 March 2011

Just like the roller coaster

Just like the roller coaster, which reaches a top speed of 150mph in less than four seconds.... the love for someone to the hate of the worst enemy makes one’s emotional bar go at a top speed of 150mph in less than a second☺☺
WOW!! Have you ever given this a thought...????

Our days are full of such UP and DOWN rides of the coaster driven by someone else....a friend, ex-lover, boss, mother-in-law....the list goes on....

What an irony, we have given the best emotions of our lives in hands of some external factors...!!!

Remember the roller coaster moves UP and DOWN with immense intensity but the control is still in the hands of the guy sitting at the stall.
In the same manner we have the guy within us who has the switch in his hands, whether to let your emotions run at a speed of 150mph UP and DOWN  due to some external factors, or keep them under control no matter what the exterior conditions are.

Would this mean that we become cold humans, our coasters completely at halt??
NOPE, that’s not what I am saying....
Instead program our emotional coasters such that the speed does not run at 150mph or 0mph in seconds, instead the drive is smooth & the ONLY driver that determines its speed is the guy within us NOT any external factors...

As all things that happen gradually...growing of love between two people, the first slow kiss, the gradual sip of coffee, to melting of cheese in your mouth....Each emotion could make you feel a different high when experienced not at the speed of 150mph...

So guys, stop the external driver running the show, and enjoy a new high of life with the keys in your hands...

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Aren’t we all like word documents, our faces filled with the thoughts and words implanted by some one else...Some lovely, some harsh...

With time we become like an artwork created by 20 or 20,000 different artists which have no theme or goal. Imagine how do we look?

Is it worth allowing people to weave various thoughts on our faces & letting it  become a bundle of threads that have no match and hence does not look like a good woven fabric rather a work by an armature designer?

Some faces with dominance woven on them, some with the threat, some with loneliness; these all due to creation of some artist which was not concern about the real outcome of the artwork.

Isn’t it unfair to the piece of art if the artist creating it did not care what it would look like or would just leave it half created for someone else to come and ruin it further.

Which one are you? The work by an armature designer or an artwork by the best creator who puts in his passion and life into creating YOU...Which one you choose to be...